Top 100 boys by adoptauntio


Adopta un Tío

During the last month we’ve partnered with Adopta un Tío and Grazia magazine as official websites to show you the boys you were able to vote to choose the ones you liked the most from each category. There have been more than 20.000 votes and this is the result:


  • Músicians
  • Actors and Models
  • Journalists, Comics and Youtubers
  • Sportsmen
  • Businessmen

Women love men that are 28 years old, have short dark hair, dark eyed and don’t wear glasses, no bear and no tatoos. 

Dani Mateo, is in the 6th position while Risto Mejide is in the 3rd, Diego Osorio 2nd. The winner for this year is Uri Sabat. You can find him on TV in the program. He has become a “sex symbol”.

You can check the complete list at

Captura de pantalla 2014-05-20 11.27.31

Captura de pantalla 2014-05-20 11.28.22


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